The Hermit represents retirement from the outside world, introversion into the
inner self, listening to the inner voice and caring for the inner self. He requires
retreat from any 'high life' and loud company, and stands for a time of
self-reflection and self-realization.
For most people, the silent loneliness of the Hermit appears unattractive, but
behind the Hermit is the wisdom of the High Priestess. You cannot listen to your
inner voices while having a party..
In its negative aspect, the Hermit could mean being afraid of others or of life.
When the retreat turns out to be a runaway, the loneliness can turn into a jail.
Drive: Retiring from life, retreat from the masses, looking into one's self,
Light: Wisdom, realization, mental maturity, the inner light
Shadow: Numbness, loneliness, bitterness