III - The Empress

III - The Empress

Path of Daleth 14 in the Tree of Life Venus in Taurus, standing for fertility and growth, the earth rules the Taurus
Planet: Venus
Tree of life: The axis between Chokmah and Binah
Element: Earth
Number: 3 as the combination of the contrasts to a unity (synthesis, harmony)

The Empress is the friendlier, more approachable aspect of the female archetype. She stands for maternity, love and mercy; at the same time she's a symbol for sexuality and emotion. She is pure feeling, absolutely unintellectual, but basically life. The Empress is the Great Mother, representing the beginning of all life. She is the power of nature, causing change, renewal, major plans.

The Empress also stands for passion, a phase in which we cope life on an emotional and joyful basis, rather than on the thoughtful. This could mean great satisfaction, but in a improper context, when actually more analysis is needed. The Empress can also stand for a reflective, emotional attitude, refusing to accept reality. It also could stand for a person who is greedy for joy and abundance when actually just more self-control is needed.

Drive: Devotion and maternity, Mother Nature, creating something new in connection of both inside and outside

Light: Maternity, love, trust, fulfilness, the joy of great abundance

Shadow: Greed, envy, jealousy, laziness

0 - The Fool | 1 - The Magician | 2 - The High Priestess | - - - | 4 - The Emperor | 5 - The Hierophant
6 - The Lovers | 7 - The Chariot | 8 - Adjustment | 9 - The Hermit | 10 - Wheel of Fortune | 11 - Lust (Passion)
12 - The Hanged Man | 13 - The Death | 14 - The Art | 15 - The Devil | 16 - The Tower | 17 - The Star
18 - The Moon | 19 - The Sun | 20 - Aeon (Judgement) | 21 - The Universe (World)

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