The Hanged Man is a symbol for the turning points in life, showing up a need to
stop and assess a situation. We're hanging in the air until we find a new view of
the things around us, a proper way to rearrange or restart.
But the Hanged Man is a 'silent' card - there's no pressing need for change. No big
change is waltzing towards us - we can peacefully keep on hanging and complaining.
The Hanged Man just shows that we're just 'hanging', he requires a new viewpoint,
and sometimes a lot of patience.
In its positive aspect, the card shows the need for a time of consideration, the
forced relaxation gives the opportunity to relax and reflect, to sort thoughts and
ideas and find a new way to cope with a situation.
Drive: Devotion, acceptance of fate, maturity
Light: Overcoming the ego, changing life, a new sight of the world
Shadow: standstill, rejection, loss of perspective