The Seven of Swords show the element with its reigns lose, storming into the
realms of anarchy and destiny, fighting against 'nobody knows what', getting
entangled in many conflicting tendencies.
Now none of the Suits is lucky within the Seven - the Wands burn down, the Cups
nearly drown and the Disks are out cold - yet the Swords are least willing to accept
their fate and activate every trick and list they can figure to get along. And
considering that the Swords are pure intellect, they are embarrassingly good in
figuring out tricks..
Therefore, the Seven of Swords can talk of trickery, cheating, sudden affronts,
juggling and intentional confusing with unrestrained Mercurian amorality. Though,
all the lists are bound to fail, even the clever Swords cannot escape the hand of
Drive: List, trickery, cleverness
Light: Unmasking of illusions and disguises
Shadow: Treachery, deceit, illusion, amorality, evil tricks, selfpity