
Chapter 1 - From Creation to Evolution
The Visible Universe
Theological Teachings Regarding the Animals
and Man
Theological and Scientific Theories of an
The Final Effort of Theology
Chapter 2 - Geography
The Form of the Earth
The Delineation of the Earth
The Inhabitants of the Earth
The Size of the Earth
The Character of the Earth's Surface
Chapter 3 - Astronomy
The Old Sacred Theory of the Universe
The Heliocentric Theory
The War upon Galileo
Victory of the Church over Galileo
Results of the Victory over Galileo
The Retreat of the Church after its Victory
over Galileo
Chapter 4 - From 'Signs and Wonders' to Law in the Heavens
The Theological View
Theological Efforts to Crush the Scientific
The Invasion of Scepticism
Theological Efforts at Compromise - The Final
Victory of Science
Chapter 5 - From Genesis to Geology
Growth of Theological Explanation
Efforts to Suppress the Scientific View
The First Great Effort of Compromise,
Final Efforts at Compromise - Victory of
Science Complete
Chapter 6 - The Antiquity of Man, Egyptology, and Assyriology
The Sacred Chronology
The New Chronology
Chapter 7 - The Antiquity of Man and Prehistoric Archaeology
The Thunder-Stones
The Flint Weapons and Implements
Chapter 8 - The 'Fall of Man' and Anthropology
The 'Fall of Man' and Anthropology
Chapter 9 - The 'Fall of Man' and Ethnology
The 'Fall of Man' and Ethnology
Chapter 10 - The 'Fall of Man' and History
The 'Fall of Man' and History
Chapter 11 - From 'The Prince of the Power of the Air' to Meteorology
Growth of a Theological Theory
Diabolical Agency in Storm
The Agency of Witches
Franklin's Lightning-Rod
Chapter 12 - From Magic to Chemistry and Physics
The Supremacy of Magic
The Triumph of Chemistry and Physics
Chapter 13 - From Miracles to Medicine
The Early and Sacred Theories of Disease
Growth of Legends of Healing - The Life
The Medieval Miracles of Healing
The Attribution of Disease to Satanic
Theological Opposition to Anatomical
New Beginnings of Medical Science
Theological Discouragement of Medicine
Fetich Cures under Protestantism - The Royal
The Scientific Struggle for Anatomy
Theological Opposition to Inoculation,
Vaccination, Anaesthetics
Final Breaking Away of the Theological Theory
in Medicine
Chapter 14 - From Fetich to Hygiene
The Theological View of Epidemics and
Gradual Decay of Theological Views Regarding
The Triumph of Sanitary Science
The Relation of Sanitary Sciene to Religion
Chapter 15 - From 'Demoniacal Possession' to Insanity
Theological Ideas of Lunacy and its
Beginnings of a Healthful Scepticism
The Final Struggle and Victory of Science -
Pinel and Tuke
Chapter 16 - From Diabolism to Hysteria
The Epidemics of 'Possessions'
Beginnings of Helpful Scepticism
Theological 'Restatements' - Final Triumph of
Scientific View and Methods
Chapter 17 - From Babel to Comparative Philology
The Sacred Theory in its First Form
The Sacred Theory of Language in its Second
Breaking Down of the Theological View
Triumph of the New Science
Chapter 18 - From the Dead Sea Legends to Comparative Mythology
The Growth of Explanatory Transformation
Medieval Growth of the Dead Sea Legends
Post-Reformation Culmination of the Dead Sea
Theological Efforts at Compromise..
Chapter 19 - From Leviticus to Political Economy
Origin and Progress of Hostility to Loans at
Retreat of the Church, Protestant and
Chapter 20 - From the Divine Oracles to the Higher Criticism
The Older Interpretation
Beginnings of Scientific Interpretation
The Continued Growth of Scientific
The Closing Struggle
Victory of the Scientific and Literary
Reconstructive Force of Scientific