An Oration of Feigned Matter, spoken by Folly in her own
Folly's Lineage, Education and Companions
Whoever Intends to have Children must have Recourse to
Folly Seasons Man's Life with Pleasure
The Gods Play the Fool
Look Down a Little on the Earth
Folly Makes Society Delightful
It is Necessary that Every one Flatter Himself
A Wise Man should Abstain from Public Business
What is Life but a Kind of Comedy?
If All Men Were Wise
Folly Sweetens Men's Greatest Misfortunes
Science is the Plague of Mankind
Men should Follow the Guidance of Nature
Why Fools are in Great Request with Princes
All Madness is not Misfortune
On Those who have Confidence in Magical Charms
How much Satisfaction Self-Love Begets Everywhere
At How Cheap a Rate is this Happiness Purchased
Why Should Folly Envy the Rest of the Gods?
On the Follies and Madness of the Common People
The Pleasant Madness of the Learned Profession
Now Watch Our Great Illuminated Divines
Monks that Call Themselves Religious
Some Small Touches of Princes and Courts
The Lights of the World Reduced to a mere Wallet
Fortune Loves Those that Have the Least Wit
Great Authors Have made Folly Famous
Folly's Friend Erasmus
Folly Attends a Theological Dispute
Folly Quotes Christ in Her Praise
The Christian Religion's Alliance with Folly
The Rewards of Life Hereafter